Warinder Juss
From Wolverhampton – For Wolverhampton
My name is Warinder Juss and I’m standing to be Labour’s candidate in my home seat, Wolverhampton West, at the next election.
I would never stand anywhere else because this place means so much to me. It was Wolverhampton where my parents moved for a better life and education for their children, it’s here that I have raised my family and it’s in this community that I have been an activist and volunteer for over 25 years.
I have been active in every local and national election campaign since becoming a Labour Party activist more than 25 years ago and I have held various positions in the Party, including Trade Union Liaison Officer. I serve on the Labour Party’s National Policy Forum and locally, I am Chair of Penn Branch Labour Party and Vice-Chair of the Wolverhampton Local Government Committee.
I am a committed trade unionist, working at a trade union law firm for over 31 years acting only for the injured, never for those who cause injury and I am a member of the GMB Executive Council, as well as holding other positions within this union. I passionately believe in our Party’s trade union link.
Regaining our Labour MP won’t be easy, but I am determined to lead a winning campaign. And like you, I am hopeful and optimistic about what we can achieve in Wolverhampton with a Labour government.
I will be in touch with everyone throughout the campaign to discuss my vision for Wolverhampton, but please do get in contact.

I have lived in Wolverhampton continuously since 1968, and am a proud Wulfrunian. It’s in this community that I have been an activist and volunteer for over 25 years.
– Warinder Juss
Only a Labour Government will achieve the real change that this country so desperately needs
– Warinder Juss